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Showing 1–12 of 75 results

1000 Music Stories

Original price was: $7.24.Current price is: $3.22.

Love | Romance | Magic | Ancient | Comedy
All kinds of different characters and series of Stories

1000(One Thousand) Hymns solfa notation – J. Sam Ebook/PDF DOWNLOAD

Original price was: $4.02.Current price is: $2.82.
100This book is to help solve hymn solfa note problem.. containing collections of church hymn transcribed into solfa notation. Strictly

50Chord Progressions and Chords Formation – Pdf

Original price was: $3.22.Current price is: $2.01.
Look Inside Music chords are the harmonic framework found within music.Learning how to use them can provide a greater understanding

557 JAZZ STANDARDS – swing to bop

Title:   557 Jazz Standards  Price: N1, 000 Page: 445 Size: 37.54mb  

A Rough and Ready Guide to Teaching the Piano – Free

A Rough and Ready Guide to Teaching the Piano Alison Ruddock A Rough and Ready Guide to Teaching the Piano is a comprehensive guide to teaching the piano, covering various aspects of piano playing and teaching from beginner to advanced levels.

A!Multiphonic!Reappraisal!and!the!Alto!Saxophone!Concerto!Radial – Free Saxophone E-books Download

This! dissertation! analyzes! the! original! composition! Radial,! which! is! scored! for! alto!saxophone!solo,!small!orchestra!and!live!electronics. Multiphonics!are!a!common!feature!onthe aural!surface!of!Radial.!This!analysis!will!show!that!alto!saxophone!multiphonics!are!also!a!primary!structural!element!in! the!work,!hierarchically!organizing! the! timbres,!harmonies,!instrumental!interactions and!largeTscale!form!of!the!score.!Interestingly, no!source!suggests!how! multiphonics! can! be! an! independent! organizational! force.! Numerous! book! length!multiphonic!catalogues!for!diverse!instruments!give!fingerings!for!these!sounds!and!describe!them! as! harmonies! so! that! they! can! be! fitted! into! harmonic! contexts,! and! a! small! but!significant! scientific! literature! on!multiphonics! discusses! the! acoustic! principles! underlying!these! sounds,! but! no! document! considers! their! independent! structural! potential.! After!providing!a!general!account!of!multiphonics!and!their!relation!to!harmonic!and!inharmonic!sounds,! this! dissertation will! propose! an! answer! to! that! problem! by! drawing! together!concepts! from!American!experimental!music,!spectralism!and!cognitive!music! theory,!withRadial reviewed as!an!example!of!this!method!in!action.!Historical!issues!and!a!broad!range!of!implications!for!this!research!will!also!be!discussed.

Acoustic Guitar Lessons – free

Don Bunch Acoustic Guitar Lessons, provides a comprehensive guide for beginners to learn how to play the guitar. It covers various topics such as guitar terms, holding the guitar, tuning, chords, barre chords, rhythms, scales, transposing, and chord progressions.

Basic Music Course: Keyboard Course – free pdf


Basic Music Course: Keyboard Course

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Basic Music Course. Keyboard Course is a document providing a comprehensive guide to learning to play the piano through the Keyboard Course published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It covers topics such as music theory, hymn playing, and teaching others to play the keyboard.

Basic Music Theory for Adult Beginner-Level Piano Players

Basic Music Theory for Adult Beginner-Level Piano Player Lawrence Martin Basic Music Theory for Adult Beginner-Level Piano Players is a beginner-friendly guide focusing on essential music theory concepts for adult piano learners.

Become a Piano Wizard in Two Months PDF

Original price was: $2.33.Current price is: $1.61.
If you don’t have any idea of piano or you are at the intermediate level and want to move from

Beginner Voice for new learners

Musica Kirklees Beginner Voice for new learners, is a guide for parents on the benefits of singing lessons, how to support young learners in their vocal journey, and tips for vocal care.

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