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Beginner Voice for new learners

Musica Kirklees Beginner Voice for new learners, is a guide for parents on the benefits of singing lessons, how to support young learners in their vocal journey, and tips for vocal care.

Warm Ups, TongueTwisters, and Cool Downs Voice Coaches

Warm Ups, TongueTwisters, and Cool Downs, is a guide emphasizing vocal warm-ups, tongue twisters, and cool down exercises essential for voice actors, highlighting the importance of vocal care and preparation.

General Song Activities for Children’s Songs Various authors

General Song Activities for Children’s Songs, is a resource guide for utilizing music in educational settings, specifically focusing on engaging children in language learning through songs and related activities.

Vocal and Choral Techniques


Various authors

Vocal and Choral Techniques is a guide emphasizing vocal development, choral techniques, and musical expression.

Yamaha 7set Drum(RACK) Blue

Original price was: $539.23.Current price is: $489.33.
The YAMAHA 7-PIECE DRUM SET is the perfect solution for beginning or intermediate drummers who want the quality of a Yamaha drum kit, without the hefty price offers you great value for your money and high quality sounds. The YAMAHA 7-PIECE DRUM SET offers modern-day configurations which is designed to provide more classic and traditional set-ups. This is one of the easiest drum kits to set-up and tune out of the box and withits birch shells, it offers a more full-bodied tone suitable for any musical genre.Using all of Yamaha’s experience, the drum is packed full of features that includes new and improved low-mass lugs, a fabulous ISO mounting system and stylish metallic sparkle wraps that will keep your drums not only sounding great, but looking great for years to come. If you're a drummer looking for quality, satisfaction and performance, then this awesome YAMAHA 7-PIECE DRUM SET is for you.

The Saxophone by Stephen Cottrell – Free Pdf Doenl

List of illustrations, music examples and tables viiiPreface xvAcknowledgements xixAbbreviations and conventions xxiIntroduction: Saxophone essentials 11 The life and times of Adolphe Sax 102 The saxophone family 383 The saxophone in the nineteenth century 924 Early twentieth-century light and popular music 1335 The saxophone in jazz 1836 The classical saxophone 2287 Modernism and postmodernism 2648 The saxophone as symbol and icon 306Appendix: Adolphe Sax’s 1846 saxophone patent 343Notes 349Bibliography 373Index 381Contents And lot more Pages: 437Size: 26mb

A!Multiphonic!Reappraisal!and!the!Alto!Saxophone!Concerto!Radial – Free Saxophone E-books Download

This! dissertation! analyzes! the! original! composition! Radial,! which! is! scored! for! alto!saxophone!solo,!small!orchestra!and!live!electronics. Multiphonics!are!a!common!feature!onthe aural!surface!of!Radial.!This!analysis!will!show!that!alto!saxophone!multiphonics!are!also!a!primary!structural!element!in! the!work,!hierarchically!organizing! the! timbres,!harmonies,!instrumental!interactions and!largeTscale!form!of!the!score.!Interestingly, no!source!suggests!how! multiphonics! can! be! an! independent! organizational! force.! Numerous! book! length!multiphonic!catalogues!for!diverse!instruments!give!fingerings!for!these!sounds!and!describe!them! as! harmonies! so! that! they! can! be! fitted! into! harmonic! contexts,! and! a! small! but!significant! scientific! literature! on!multiphonics! discusses! the! acoustic! principles! underlying!these! sounds,! but! no! document! considers! their! independent! structural! potential.! After!providing!a!general!account!of!multiphonics!and!their!relation!to!harmonic!and!inharmonic!sounds,! this! dissertation will! propose! an! answer! to! that! problem! by! drawing! together!concepts! from!American!experimental!music,!spectralism!and!cognitive!music! theory,!withRadial reviewed as!an!example!of!this!method!in!action.!Historical!issues!and!a!broad!range!of!implications!for!this!research!will!also!be!discussed.

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